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时间:2024-04-26   浏览:0次

1、难以留下的,就选择放手吧。 If it's hard to stay, let go. 2、我可以受十分的苦,但受不了半分的委屈。 I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half an injustice. 3、在一路上,人来人往,光阴似箭。 Along the way, people come and go, time flies. 4、不懂合作,再拼搏也难以大成。 If you don't know how to cooperate, you can't succeed even if you work hard. 5、唯有静静等待,方能守得云开见月明。 Only by waiting quietly, can we keep the clouds open and see the moon bright. 6、一个家庭最好的风水,就是父慈、妻贤、子孝。 The best geomantic omen of a family is kindness of father, virtuous wife and filial piety of son. 7、时间,珍惜,就是黄金;虚度,就是流水。 Time, cherish, is gold; idleness is water. 8、朋友,虚假,就是知识;交心,就是财富。 Friends, false, is knowledge; heart to heart is wealth. 9、嘴上说不如亲身做,耳听为虚,一定要亲眼看到。 It is better to do it in person than to say it in your mouth. You must see it with your own eyes. 10、有时候看错人,不是因为我们傻,而是因为我们简单。 Sometimes the wrong people, not because we are stupid, but because we are simple. 11、你若强行上前安慰,只会让那泪更加止不住。 If you force forward to comfort, will only let the tears more unstoppable. 12、任何值得拥有的东西,一定是值得等待的。 Anything worth having must be worth waiting for. 13、正确的选择,才能引领我们走向更好的人生。 The right choice can lead us to a better life. 14、人总有现实趋利的一面,有钱好办事,没钱事难成。 People always have the side of being realistic and profitable. If you have money, you can do things easily, but if you don't have money, things can't be done. 15、爱得深不如爱的真,爱得真不如爱得久。 It is better to love deeply than to love deeply, and to love really is better than to love long. 16、把自己的生活过好,才是最紧要的。 To live a good life is the most important thing. 17、我们最孤独的,是在心途中迷失了自己。 What we are most lonely is that we lose ourselves in the heart. 18、真正关心你的人,看的不是空间,而是你的世界。 People who really care about you are not looking at space, but your world. 19、缘分在换,感情在换,不换的才是爱人! Fate in change, feelings in change, not for love! 20、一个人的宽容,来自一颗善待他人的心。 A person's tolerance comes from a kind heart. 21、真正的读书人,得到了就像本来就会得到一样。 A real scholar gets what he would have got. 22、使事业成为喜悦,使喜悦成为事业。 Make cause a joy, make joy a cause. 23、以暖相陪,就是无怨无悔的值得。 With warm accompany, it is worth no regrets. 24、若知结局,何必当初,若有当初,何必分离。 If you know the end, why the original, if there is the original, why separate. 25、面对失败,一笑而过是种乐观。 In the face of failure, it is optimistic to laugh it off. 26、世态炎凉,人情永远抵不过钱情。 The world is hot and cold, and human feelings can never be equal to money. 27、人到中年,我们终会和不如意的人生握手言和。 In middle age, we will shake hands and make peace with the unhappy life. 28、此生最幸运的事,就是找到了另一个自己! The luckiest thing in this life is to find another self! 29、爱,就是呵护着一份真情,是委屈时,给以安慰。 Love, is to care for a true feeling, is aggrieved, give comfort. 30、每一分钟的愤怒,都会损失60秒的快乐。 Every minute of anger loses 60 seconds of happiness. 31、寻求财富的时候总嫌少,但钱多了也会害人的。 It is always too little to seek wealth, but too much money can do harm. 32、一个明智的人,不会妄断他人的是非。 A wise man will not judge the right and wrong of others. 33、不懂的人,多说无益,懂你的人,无言也懂。 Don't understand the people, say more useless, understand your people, speechless also understand. 34、人生,就是一段没有回程的旅行。 Life is a journey without return journey. 35、善良的人,会有好报;恶毒的人,终有恶报。 A good man will get a good reward; a wicked man will have a bad one. 36、爱人者,人恒爱之。敬人者,人恒敬之。 Those who love others will always love them. Those who respect others will always respect them. 37、人生如戏,戏如人生,每个人都上演着不同的角色。 Life is like drama and drama is like life. Everyone plays a different role. 38、柔和待人,让自己处处阳光。 Soft treat others, let oneself everywhere sunshine. 39、我们会费尽周折来完成一件事,让这件事变得简单。 We try our best to accomplish one thing and make it simple. 40、哄你开心,不是没事做,而是怕你伤心。 Coax you happy, not nothing to do, but afraid you sad. 41、别为失去的哭泣,为还留在你身边的一切微笑吧。 Don't cry for what's lost, smile for what's still around you. 42、只要我成功的决心足够强,失败就永远不会打倒我。 As long as my determination to succeed is strong enough, failure will never defeat me. 43、不听信海枯石烂的誓言,只要睁开眼一切都没变。 Do not listen to the oath, as long as you open your eyes, everything has not changed. 44、不要抱怨起点太低,那只是我们出发的原点。 Don't complain that the starting point is too low, it is just the starting point of our departure. 45、很多人力不能勉强的事情,随缘就好。 A lot of things that manpower can't force, just go with the luck. 46、不懂感恩,再优秀也难以成功。 If you don't know how to be grateful, no matter how good you are, you can't succeed. 47、看似是一种消极和自我安慰,但人生无非就是这样。 It seems to be a kind of negative and self comfort, but life is nothing but this. 48、随着我慢慢地长大,我知道的事儿,就越来越多了。 As I grow up, I know more and more things. 49、唯一遗憾的是,时光不曾逆行。 The only regret is that time has not been retrograde. 50、用心听,如风轻抚心坎,有心事有清爽有眼泪。 Listen attentively, such as the wind caresses the heart, has the heart matter to have the fresh, has the tear. 51、青春是一本太仓促的书,我们含着泪,一读再读。 Youth is a too hasty book, we read and reread with tears in our eyes. 52、让你的过去推动你更多成长,而不是增添怨恨。 Let your past drive you to grow more, not to add resentment. 53、时光停驻在这里,这是一种多么温柔的对望。 Time stops here, this is a kind of gentle looking. 54、读书才是一个家庭最大的出路。 Reading is the biggest way out for a family. 55、要想很好的了解一个人,首先你就要先亲近这个人。 To get to know a person well, you must first get close to the person. 56、怕伤手指就不磨刀了吗?在于如何用刀而己。 Don't you sharpen your knife for fear of hurting your fingers? It's about how to use a knife. 57、想发财去闹市,人多的地方才有财富。 If you want to get rich and go to the downtown, you can have wealth where there are many people. 58、智者因危而建安,明者矫失而成德。 A wise man is built up by danger, while a wise man is virtuous by correcting his loss. 59、感情,不是没有争吵,而是争吵后依然在一起。 Emotion is not that there is no quarrel, but still together after quarrel. 60、来来回回,因为真诚,你我相知。 Back and forth, because of sincerity, you and I know each other.






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